The game was designed and developed by Tejiri between 1991-1995 for Nintendo. The game was based on a hobby the creator had as a child - collecting insects. The players act as "Pokémon Trainers" who can capture, collect, exchange and train Pokémon with abilities
variety and use them to fight other Pokemon trainers in battles based on insect battles accepted in Japan. These battles can strengthen the strength and power of the Pokemon in the player's possession. In these battles, the Pokemon never bleed or die. The goal is to stun the opponent and win. The English word describing a situation in which a Pokemon has lost a battle and cannot continue fighting is "fainted", which means "fainted" in Hebrew. In 1996, Nintendo released the role-playing game
Pokemon as a video game for the portable game console Game Boy, and two years later a version was released for the home game console Nintendo 64. The term "Pokemon", apart from being the name of the game, became a collective name for the 1,025 Pokemon participating in the game, series and movies.